Last night I went to the Schubert Club International Artist Series with my parents (and without Ben... we have season tickets but we just have a ton going on this week, and he needed to take a night off to grade papers. Understandable. I did remind him that he could just draw grades out of a hat...but apparently that is not ethical.
Anyways, the recital was amazing and Watts rocked it out with an all Liszt program. If you're unfamiliar with classical piano repertoire, Franz Liszt is known as the greatest piano virtuoso of his time, and he wrote music primarily for his own performances. The man was basically a rock star - at the time, he was sometimes derided for his flamboyant performances and harmonic exploration and innovation, but the ladies did love him. I mean, look at this sexy mug - how could you not? Plus he apparently had huge....hands....
And thus ends your nerd-tastic music history lesson. You're welcome.
I also noticed a glaring error in my list of things that irritate me - I somehow forgot to mention loud breathers. It might seem like I'm breaking my streak of no complaining, but I'm really not - I am just stating facts.
Fact 1: Loud breathers irritate me
Fact 2: One happened to be sitting behind me last night at the concert.
That's complaints. Only true statements of a neutral character.
Part 2: Further thoughts on Yoga and Positivity
This whole "no complaints for a week" thinng has me thinking about real hardship, and I sometimes wonder if, by being all "don't complain, be positive and awesome!!", I am doing a disservice to true hardship. There's a huge difference between being a whiner about waking up at 5:30 and going through something really life-shattering. Then I read Christina Sell's blog yesterday, and I think she says it better than I ever could:
"I am not someone who believes that everything we experience in life makes us
stronger. I have watched plenty of people make mistakes, suffer terribly due to
life's ups and downs and experience tragedies from which they never recover. It
is not the case, in my opinion, that hardship makes us better people. I do
believe, however, that it can. I believe that difficulty holds within it
the power and possibility to elevate us and our awareness to new heights. I
believe the apparent "bad thing" has the potential to become our most
profound teacher, but I also believe that the circumstance itself holds no
guarantee that it will do that for us. The difference, in my opinion, as to to
whether or not difficult experiences strengthen us or destroy us has to do with
how well we are able to make use of them. The answer to growth is not on the
side of the circumstance. It is on our side, as students of Life."
Part 3: Under the Knife