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Friday, April 15, 2011

New Condo!

I picked up the keys for our new place today (and my mom came with me because she hadn't seen the condo yet)! This weekend/week are getting kind of crazy - Immersion 2, starting the move, various end-of-year school events (official and unofficial), and 2 choir concerts coming up... I'm trying to just take everything as it comes and not get overwhelmed. Have I mentioned I hate moving? Packing, unpacking, repacking... blah. Not fun. But anyways, because I know you're all waiting with baited breath... here are some pictures of the new place!

Looking from the kitchen out into the dining room/living room

.... and back from the living room into the dining room/kitchen. And there's my mom.

Bathroom...self explainatory but I like the block glass.

Guest room/yoga room :)

Bedroom, looking out into the hallway.

fancy track lighting in the hallway.

Blurry pic taken by my mom

Complete absence of furniture makes for the perfect makeshift yoga studio... Urdhva Danurasana isn't feeling too bad lately! Whatever was making my lower back grumpy a few months ago has totally cleared out - I'm going to credit Anusara and the principles of alignment. But, does anyone have tips for getting your arms fully straight? I always feel like mine are but obviously they're not... maybe it's a matter of getting my shoulders plugged in better. Who knows! Mysteries of yoga.

I'm going to try to start actually moving some of my stuff tomorrow before the immersion starts...although that may be trying to do too much. We'll see. Happy Friday!


  1. I assume you mean the condo? ;)

  2. Simple and homey, but with a hint of luxury all over it. Also, I am pretty jealous that you have tons of space there to do Yoga at your condo. The ambiance adds good vibes to the overall atmosphere of the place.

    Minneva Carker

  3. Wow! Your new condo surely is spacious, Kristina. I believe your mom was impressed when she saw how well the place looks like. It needs little to no changes at all. How's the neighborhood, by the way? I hope you're enjoying in this new home. Thanks for sharing!

    Lakisha Zimmerer @ Joanne Davidow

  4. Buying a wider space is beneficial especially to those who love to do Yoga and other indoor exercises. It's been two years, Kristina. How did you arrange your stuff here? I hope you still left enough space for your Yoga sessions! :)


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